X-mas Calendar day 15

Meet Robin! 

(he's the one lying down)

"In my family we spend our christmas holidays every other year in Spain with my side of the family and the other year with my wife's family in Dalarna in Sweden. It is quite a different christmas-experience depending on where we are that year. As a person who is not so much into traditions generally, sitting in the sun with a cold beer playing board games with my family is of course a really nice way to celebrate christmas! As to gifts we only buy one each, and ones that could be suitable to anyone. We then play the game Julklappsspelet, which is about who gets which of those gifts by trading and betting and gambling. Which sometimes ends up with me without a single gift and some other family member grinning from ear to ear. But I am just as happy, because I get to hang out with my favourite people. The picture is kind of related to this, I think it has captured just that sort of feeling, and I hope that people can relate to it. Merry Christmas to all of you Ionists!”"

Who would you like to have beside you this holiday season? We would like to have YOU! Join us tomorrow for more Ion Game Design things as we count down to X-mas together! 

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