Pax Viking, Pax Renaissance and HF4 module 3 shipping to fulfilment centres

The mass production and assembly of Pax Viking, Pax Renaissance 2nd ed and High Frontier 4 All module 3 was completed on January 23rd and together with manufacturer Longpack and our freight forwarder OTX Logistics we have worked hard to get all games shipped to the different fulfilment centers before Chinese New Year. Now all shipments are secured and soon will be on their way to the fulfilment centers :)

Tracking vessels to fulfilment centers

To AIMPLIFY, Germany:

Loaded on January 22 at factory

ETD from Shanghai: January 27

Vessel: EUGEN MAERSK / 104W

To Floship, Hong Kong: 

Loaded on January 22 at factory

ETD from Shanghai: January 31

Vessel: HE JIN V.2103W

To Funagain, USA, two ships: 

Loaded on February 1 at factory

ETD from Shanghai: Feb.05

Vessel: ONE OLYMPUS V.064E

Loading on February 4 at factory

ETD from Shanghai: Feb.11


Note, there are still a lot of problems at the ports and terminals in China and so we are not really out of the woods until all ships sail, but this is a good step in the right direction :)

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