X-mas Calendar day 17

Meet Justin!

Justin's work can be found in such easy breezy board games as our upcoming Interstellar and the rest of the High Frontier 4 All collection. Not familiar with those? Think playing Jenga, Parcheesi and Scrabble, but all at the same time, as you tumble through the fifth dimension while standing on your head on a two headed eel slithering through the upper levels of consciousness. And hung over. That kinda gets you semi close to the experience. 

When I asked him about his wintery holiday thoughts, he had this to say:

"When it comes to gift giving, I try and avoid buying into the commercialization of Christmas and tend to give throughout the year, if I can. But most importantly I love to spend time with my family around the holidays. I would rather have a plate of Christmas food and treats in front of me than the latest gadget that will be obsolete in 18 months. Sharing in experiences and fun board games with close friends and family cannot be beat. This isn't to mean I can't appreciate a good quality gift from someone though... So if you're looking to get me something this holiday season, I wear a size 60 foot sailboat!"

So now we know. *flipping through yacht catalogue*

Join us tomorrow for more Xmas countdown fun!


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