컬렉션: Apps

Board games in your pocket! We are very excited to announce the upcoming digital versions of three of our games - Neanderthal, Greenland and High Frontier 4 All! Finally a way to play your favourite board games on the fly!

The games are designed to be both a stand alone experience as an app game, and also as a way to immerse yourself in the preparation and understanding of the game play of the analog game. 

All apps will be available on Google Play, App Store and Steam. 

Psst! feel very free to share these lovely news with those who might get a kick out of it.

Released games 

Greenland boar game app header

Greenland board game digital version on Google Play

Neanderthal board game digital version

Neanderthal board game digital version on Google Play

If you find bugs in our apps, here the form to use to report them. It is the same link for for all our apps. https://forms.gle/PxfszizFES9rQVAs8 

Upcoming 2024

Test the app? Apply here.

For any questions about the apps please contact ion.app@iongamedesign.com

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