Pax Hispanica digital sample boxes

Pax Hispanica digital samples received

A couple of weeks ago we received the digital samples for both the standard and deluxe versions of Pax Hispanica from the manufacturer, Hope Games. Since then there has been an intensive spot checking process going on in the office. In the spot checking process we have the Production manager, Creative Director, Designer and Game Developer involved to make sure everything is ok. For this first samples the team found some quality issues, so we're sending back test samples to ensure top-notch quality for you all.

Excitingly, the deluxe edition will now include both a cloth map and a copy of cloth map in cardboard!

MasQueOca will be printing the Spanish version of Pax Hispanica with us :)


Some images from the digital sample for game and promo packs. The game pictures are mostly from deluxe version (for differences between standard and deluxe see product page).


Pax Hispanica boxes digital samples
Pax HIspanica cards digital sample
Pax Hispanica player boards digital samples
Pax HIspanica player boards digital sample
Pax Hispanica philosophy board digital sample
Pax Hispanica map digital sample
Pax Hispanica deluxe version metal coins
Pax Hispanica deluxe version close up wooden components
Pax Hispanica deluxe version close up components
Pax Hispanica cards digital sample
Pax HIspanica punchboard promo pack digital sample



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