About the Bios:Origins and Pax Transhumanity

Our new Kickstarter for Bios:Origins (second edition), Pax Transhumanity and Pax Porfiriana is now live. Click here if you want to back it 

Bios:Origins 2

Bios Origins box

This is the 3rd and final game of the Bios trilogy. We have reworked the game Origins from ground up, keeping its bottom-up feel, but with new features to integrate it with the predecessor game Bios:Megafauna. Also the dice are gone. The classic map is retained, as well as a variable hexsheet for cratons imported from Bios:Megafauna.  The technology tracks are retained, and one new one added. The cards have been sorted in categories of Culture, Politics, and Industry, and a Market has been added. Designer Phil Eklund.

Pax Transhumanity

The latest game in the Pax saga sets you as a startup entrepreneur in the not-too-distant future.  Your financial agents indicate how much of your assets are in capital, wealth, and debt, and which can be utilized in other ways such as employees, patents, and syndications.  Maneuvering these agents generates money for your actions, including syndicating ideas in the market, commercializing them to startup companies or solve problems, hiring employees, importing ideas from other spheres, placating outraged activists, and researching ideas to gain patents and reveal new ideas. The spheres include the first world, developing world, the cloud, and space. Designer Matt Eklund.

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