The spot-checking of Pax Hispanica before mass production start is continuing and in this process we are also trying to clarify any questions there might be in the rules after playtests. As an example, as a result of feedback from playtesters, there is now a small diagram added to clarify how a fleet in the Mar de los Sargazos can either return to Pirating the Caribbean, or continue on to Europe. There has also been some clarifications on what happens to Natives when pirates attack Native settlements, visitas, cathedrals, or colonies. In particular, it is not possible attacking Natives just to make them go into rebellion, and there has been clarification on how rebellion spreads.
In addition to going through the files for English verision of standard and deluxe edition of Pax Hispanica, we are also waiting to check the Spanish version of the game. The Spanish version is being published by MasQueOca and will be printed at the same time as the English version.