Ion Game Design and Sierra Madre Games logo

One year anniversary

Ion Game Design’s collaboration with Sierra Madre Games is now soon reaching the one year mark and it as been an interesting year :)

During this year we have had two successful Kickstarter campaigns, published three games Neanderthal, Greenland and Pax Emancipation and have five games that are being manufactured. The five games are Pax Transhumanity, Bios:Origins 2 and re-prints of Pax Porfiriana, Bios: Genesis and Bios:Megafauna. They are available for pre-order on the website until beginning of April. And at this very moment we have also started working on the highly anticipated game High Frontier 4 edition. The date for the launch of this game on Kickstarter is set to October 24th, 2019, so save this date :)

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