Pax Illuminaten clue 6 and Kickstarter preview link

Pax Illuminaten clue 6 and Kickstarter preview link

Pax Illuminaten will launch on Kickstarter by end of October. Click on the notify on launch to get information when game launch. 

At lon Game Design we fully embrace the Kickstarter path for our games making it the standard way we introduce our games to the market. There are several reasons to why.

• Community. First and foremost we believe in a continuous evolving relationship with our players. Through Kickstarter we can share the later parts of the development process with you all and open up for feedback and other involvement. 

• Good price. We always offer special Kickstarter pricing that is cheaper than MSRP.

• Honest shipping. We never charge more than the actual shipping cost for your order, with no extra charges for handling. We also charge for shipping in the pledge manager, so as to not further inflate your Kickstarter fees.

• Be a supporter of our efforts for the benefit of all. By purchasing directly from us more of your money goes to us to fund our development, and by ordering up front we can have larger print runs and therefore charge less per copy.

LINK to Pax Illuminaten campaign page.

Do not miss clue nr 6 in the preview image for Pax Illuminaten campaign page. 

PAx Illuminaten preview image including clue 6


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