Chief Herman's Next Big Thing
How to play
How to play
This game is exclusively available for borrowing through BIBLION, Ion Game Design's board game library in Stockholm, Sweden.
This is an anthology of mini-games of many different types. Edited from the product description:
Chief Herman's Next Big Thing is the sequel to Chief Herman's Holiday Fun Pack, which was released in 2000 and was nominated for an Origins Award for Best Abstract Board Game. Chief Herman's Next Big Thing contains more than 20 original games, some of which were previously published as magazine inserts, free games, or postcard games.
Games in Chief Herman's Next Big Thing include: Fight the Power, Ten-Die Poker, Break the Bank, Monster Builder, Penniless and Insane, Seven-Handed Poker, Darwinian Poker, Caribbean Star, Short Bus to Paradise, Headless in Seattle, Shipwreck!, Particle Stream, King of the Beach, Putwoody's Castle, Herman's Castle, Nickie's Castle, Dungeon Crawl, Hotel Transylvania, Queensland, Graveyard Shift, Board Game Project #55, Land Grab, Magic Hate Ball, Wild Bill, and One Ball (Hate Ball Solitaire). The package also includes two unplayable games: James Ernest's Pontifuse (originally published in Undefeated) and Chief Herman's The Establishment of the Industrial Proletariat, plus the usual hilarious introductions from Chief Herman himself.