How to play
How to play
This game is exclusively available for borrowing through BIBLION, Ion Game Design's board game library in Stockholm, Sweden.
A trivia game (Insikt = Insight) where you in the basic version should first get 21 points through answering questions correctly. Then starts the end-game towards the finish. The winner is the first one who first gains a better insight, i.e. come to the middle of the game board. Tactic, a good poker face and the ability to, during pressure against the hour-glass make well thought-out long shots, are things which determine how well a player may succeed. (Quotation from the rules leaflet.)
There's an advanced version, where you secretly may bet upon if somebody may manage to answer the questions of not.
A lot of companies have used this game as a gift, so there exist a large number of boxes with different logos on them (and they are dirt common in thrift stores).